Kings Schools International, Bratislava believes that learning is an organic process that evolves at different rates and in various ways for each, individual student. Teaching aims to spark the curiosity in students which motivates and drives their learning by giving equal weight to the academic, creative and physical aspects in their personal development. In this way, young people are provided with a broad and rich educational experience within which to discover their true talents and potential.
Kings Schools International, Bratislava believes that learning is an organic process that evolves at different rates and in various ways for each, individual student. Teaching aims to spark the curiosity in students which motivates and drives their learning by giving equal weight to the academic, creative and physical aspects in their personal development. In this way, young people are provided with a broad and rich educational experience within which to discover their true talents and potential.
Kings Schools International, Bratislava believes that learning is an organic process that evolves at different rates and in various ways for each, individual student. Teaching aims to spark the curiosity in students which motivates and drives their learning by giving equal weight to the academic, creative and physical aspects in their personal development. In this way, young people are provided with a broad and rich educational experience within which to discover their true talents and potential.
Years 12 to 13
Upper Secondary
The A Level (Advanced Level) is a subject-based qualification conferred as part of the Gen- eral Certificate of Education, as well as a school leaving qualification offered by various ed- ucational bodies to students completing secondary or pre-university education. Obtaining A Levels or equivalent qualifications is generally required for university entrance around the world, with many universities granting conditional offers based on grades achieved.
International Advanced Levels (Ages 17 to 18)
Edexcel International AS and Advanced Level qualifications are Pearson-regulated qualifications designed with the global learner in mind. A Levels have a flexible, modular structure, but they maintain the rigorous standards of all Edexcel qualifications. All subjects (except Law) offer January and June examination windows, giving students more options when ap- plying to local and international universities. Students may choose three to five subjects at Advanced Level with the option of dropping one or two subjects after the first year and accepting an Advanced Subsidiary Level (AS Level) grade, representing the first component of a full A level qualification.
AS and A levels - sometimes called General Certificates of Education (GCE) or Advanced lev- els - are studied after IGCSEs, but students can take them at any age. They mainly involve studying the theory of a subject combined with some investigative work and are studied full-time over two years at school. Some A Levels may be studied online with the school providing teacher supervision and guidance.
Kings Schools International is also authorised to deliver the Slovak Vysvedcenie and Vy- svedcenie o Maturitnej Skúške. The grades awarded at Advanced Level are also converted to Vysvedcenie o Maturitnej Skúške grades. The table below shows the combination of A Level grades that a university might ask for and how these relate to the Vysvedcenie o Maturitnej Skúške.
For more about Edexcel A Levels visit: