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Kings Schools International, Bratislava believes that learning is an organic process that evolves at different rates and in various ways for each, individual student. Teaching aims to spark the curiosity in students which motivates and drives their learning by giving equal weight to the academic, creative and physical aspects in their personal development. In this way, young people are provided with a broad and rich educational experience within which to discover their true talents and potential.

Mission and


Teaching aims to spark the curiosity in students which motivates and drives their learning...


Kings School Bratislava provides an inclusive international community, which promotes life- long learning, creativity and global awareness, in a caring and supportive environment. We provide educational experiences based on rich concepts of human creativity and intelligence, which nurture and develop the wide diversity of talents, interests and abilities within the school community.


It is our mission to ensure students are provided with opportunities to realise their hidden talents and interests and excel as creative and motivated lifelong learners.

Súkromná Základná Škola, Trnavská Cesta 3421/39, Bratislava

Súkromné Gymnázium, Trnavská Cesta 3421/39 Bratislava

Trnavská cesta 3421/39, 831 04 Nové Mesto, Bratislava


Tel: +421 919 379 965

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