Kings Schools International, Bratislava believes that learning is an organic process that evolves at different rates and in various ways for each, individual student. Teaching aims to spark the curiosity in students which motivates and drives their learning by giving equal weight to the academic, creative and physical aspects in their personal development. In this way, young people are provided with a broad and rich educational experience within which to discover their true talents and potential.
Kings Schools International, Bratislava believes that learning is an organic process that evolves at different rates and in various ways for each, individual student. Teaching aims to spark the curiosity in students which motivates and drives their learning by giving equal weight to the academic, creative and physical aspects in their personal development. In this way, young people are provided with a broad and rich educational experience within which to discover their true talents and potential.
Kings Schools International, Bratislava believes that learning is an organic process that evolves at different rates and in various ways for each, individual student. Teaching aims to spark the curiosity in students which motivates and drives their learning by giving equal weight to the academic, creative and physical aspects in their personal development. In this way, young people are provided with a broad and rich educational experience within which to discover their true talents and potential.
The School Day
End of School Day
From 15:30 parents are permitted to visit the classroom to collect their children and allow the class teacher time to talk with them. Parents should take their children home between 15:30 and 17:00. However, it is important that parents let the school know at the earliest op- portunity if they wish to leave their child in school for the Extended Day Programme.
At 15:00 children going home by school bus are taken by teaching assistants to the pick-up point via the back exit to the rear of the dining hall. Children going home with their parents should be collected from their classroom. Any uncollected children are supervised in the room designated for the Extended Day Programme.
At 13: 55 each Friday, students are expected to attend a whole school assembly. Assemblies are an important time for students and teachers to come together, a time to share experiences, stories and performances, celebrate achievement and birthdays share information. Parents may be invited to some assemblies.
The school offers an extensive programme of after-school activities including art, dance, sport, gymnastics, choir and musical training, computer activities, design and technology, drama and so on. Clubs run from 15:45 to 16:00 after which students may attend the Extend- ed Day programme until 17:00.