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Faculty and Staff Directory

Peter Danco
Head of Learning Support, Exams Officer, Drama and Dance Teacher

Peter Danco is a highly experienced and qualified teacher, senior manager and learning support coordinator with over twenty years’ experience in the United Kingdom. Peter joins us after working for 17 years at Sybil Elgar School, National Autistic Society where he held the position of Deputy Principle. At KSI, Peter holds the positions of Exams Officer and Head of Learning Support and as a member of the Senior Management Team, he is able to apply his considerable knowledge and experience in ensuring the future success of our school.

Súkromná Základná Škola, Trnavská Cesta 3421/39, Bratislava

Súkromné Gymnázium, Trnavská Cesta 3421/39 Bratislava

Trnavská cesta 3421/39, 831 04 Nové Mesto, Bratislava


Tel: +421 919 379 965

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