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Faculty and Staff Directory

David Payn

Business Manager and Secondary Business Teacher

David started his career in the City of London working for a Dutch bank. He then worked for Shell providing support to offshore installations before studying Business and Finance. After graduating he worked for many years for St Ives PLC’s multimedia division and was responsible for the commercial, production and customer service departments. Following this he ran his own website business before taking time out to raise his son Freddie. He was then employed in the administration of an large international school.


David is interested in technology, current affairs, economics and business management. Amongst his favourite economists are Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell while he loves the quotes of business guru Peter Drucker and Jim Colins.

Súkromná Základná Škola, Trnavská Cesta 3421/39, Bratislava

Súkromné Gymnázium, Trnavská Cesta 3421/39 Bratislava

Trnavská cesta 3421/39, 831 04 Nové Mesto, Bratislava


Tel: +421 919 379 965

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